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Brazil's President Signs Law to Regulate Crypto Firms

Brazil's President Signs Law to Regulate Crypto Firms

As the world continues to embrace the digital age, Brazil has joined the growing list of countries that are taking steps to regulate the cryptocurrency industry. On June 14th, 2023, Brazil’s President signed a law aimed at having the country’s central bank regulate crypto firms. The decree authorizes the central bank to regulate and supervise virtual asset service providers, while ensuring that the country’s securities regulator will continue to handle many tokens. The move is a significant step forward for Brazil’s digital economy and will help to ensure that the country remains competitive in a rapidly evolving global market.


Brazil has been relatively slow to embrace the cryptocurrency industry, with many regulators and policymakers expressing concerns about the potential risks associated with virtual assets. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the potential benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. As a result, the Brazilian government has taken steps to encourage the development of the industry, including the creation of a legal framework for digital assets.

In 2022, Brazil’s Congress passed a bill that recognized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as legal tender. The move was seen as a significant step forward for the country’s digital economy, and it helped to pave the way for the recent regulatory developments.

What the New Law Means

The new law signed by Brazil’s President is aimed at ensuring that the country’s cryptocurrency industry is properly regulated and supervised. The law gives the central bank the power to regulate and supervise virtual asset service providers, including exchanges, custodians, and other crypto-related businesses. The central bank will be responsible for ensuring that these firms comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations, as well as other relevant laws and regulations.

Under the new law, the country’s securities regulator will continue to handle many tokens, including security tokens and utility tokens that are not considered securities. This means that issuers of these tokens will still need to comply with the securities laws and regulations in Brazil.

Impact on the Crypto Industry in Brazil

The new law is expected to have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry in Brazil. By providing a clear regulatory framework for virtual asset service providers, the law will help to increase investor confidence in the industry. This, in turn, is likely to attract more investment into the sector, which will help to fuel growth and innovation.

The law will also help to protect consumers by ensuring that virtual asset service providers are held to high standards and are subject to rigorous oversight. This will help to prevent fraud and other illicit activities in the industry, which has been a concern for many regulators and policymakers.


The new law signed by Brazil’s President is a significant milestone for the country’s digital economy. By providing a clear regulatory framework for virtual asset service providers, the law will help to increase investor confidence in the cryptocurrency industry. It will also help to protect consumers by ensuring that virtual asset service providers are held to high standards and subject to rigorous oversight. The move is a significant step forward for Brazil, and it will help to ensure that the country remains competitive in a rapidly evolving global market.


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