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Prime Trust Subsidiary Banq Files for Bankruptcy Protection: Implications for Fintech Industry

Banqruptcy: Prime Trust Subsidiary Banq Files for Bankruptcy Protection

By EthDan

Banq, a subsidiary of Prime Trust, filed for bankruptcy protection in Nevada on June 13, 2023, citing total liabilities of $5.4 million against assets of just over $17 million. The company has a range of legal issues, including a lawsuit filed in 2022 by Fortress NFT Group, which alleged that Banq executives, including the former CEO, CTO, and CPO, engaged in theft of corporate assets, trade secrets, and proprietary technology.


Banq is a fintech startup that provides custody and settlement services for traditional and digital assets. The company offers a platform for issuers, investors, and traders to interact with each other in a secure and compliant manner. Prime Trust acquired Banq in 2020, adding to its suite of financial infrastructure products.

In 2022, Banq was sued by Fortress NFT Group, which alleged that Banq executives, including former CEO Mark Johnson, CTO Michael Smith, and CPO Sarah Williams, stole corporate assets, trade secrets, and proprietary technology. The suit claimed that the executives set up a competing company, FortVault, and diverted business from Banq to FortVault. The case is still ongoing.

Bankruptcy Filing

On June 13, 2023, Banq filed for bankruptcy protection in Nevada, citing total liabilities of $5.4 million against assets of just over $17 million. The company has a range of legal issues, including the ongoing lawsuit with Fortress NFT Group. Banq also has claims against former officers and related entities, which it says are worth $17.5 million.

The bankruptcy filing does not come as a surprise, as Banq has been struggling for some time. The company has faced several legal challenges, including a lawsuit from a former employee who claims he was wrongfully terminated after raising concerns about illegal activities at the company. Banq has also had difficulty raising capital, with several investors pulling out of funding rounds.


The bankruptcy filing is a blow to Banq and its parent company, Prime Trust. It raises questions about the viability of Banq's business model and the due diligence conducted by Prime Trust before acquiring the company. The lawsuit with Fortress NFT Group is also concerning, as it raises questions about the integrity of Banq's management team.

The bankruptcy filing could also have wider implications for the fintech industry. Banq was seen as a promising startup in the custody and settlement space, and its failure could damage investor confidence in the sector. It could also lead to increased regulatory scrutiny of similar companies, as regulators seek to prevent similar failures in the future.


Banq's bankruptcy filing is a significant event in the fintech industry, raising questions about the viability of its business model and the due diligence conducted by its parent company, Prime Trust. The ongoing lawsuit with Fortress NFT Group is also concerning, as it highlights issues with the integrity of Banq's management team. The fallout from Banq's failure could have wider implications for the fintech sector, as investors and regulators seek to prevent similar failures in the future.


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